We are always looking for sponsors for our league. We offer a range of opportunities from team sponsorships to banners. We had over 170 participants last season, meaning that your business would have gotten exposure to over 170 families in Kittery!
Our team sponsors get the name of their business printed on the back of the player's jersey, so not only does your business get constant exposure with the team, but also exposure to their opponents. With a season comprising of at least 12 games and playoffs, you do the math on the amount of exposure your business receives. The team sponsor is also mentioned numerous times throughout the year, most prominently during Opening Day Ceremonies when the entire Kittery Little League community comes together.
Our banners are not only seen by those in Kittery. We also have teams from around the southern part of Maine that travel to our fields. Last summer, teams from Saco, Biddeford, Scarborough, and York traveled to our fields. Your business could get exposure to the wider region through a banner!
If interested in becoming a sponsor, please reach out to Kittery Little League President Dave Evans at
[email protected]!.